It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. When a knee gets kicked a little too hard, an ankle gives out on a landing, or a shoulder joint wears down over time, it’s good to have a Sports Medicine physician on your team. What Is Sports Medicine? Despite what…
In the recent years, there’s been a dramatic evolution in healthcare, allowing patients to survive medical conditions that would have, at one time, been physically devastating. With a rapid influx of new information has come an uprising of new medical fields, one of the most prominent of these is the…
If you struggle with catching your breath, smoke, have symptoms of lung disease such as asthma, or are about to undergo a major surgery, your physician may order pulmonary function tests (PFTs). These non-invasive tests reveal how well your lungs are working, by measuring your ability to take in oxygen. They…
What Is Depression? The well-being of your mind and body are interconnected and dependent on one another. When your body feels sick, your mood and mental capabilities are affected; likewise, mental health greatly affects the physical health of your body. Depression affects how your mind and body feel…
Your kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that are located in the upper abdominal area against the back muscles. The kidneys are relatively small (when compared to other vital organs), yet play a crucial role in the daily function of your body. The Role of Your Kidneys Your kidneys are composed…
If you’re one of 29 million people living with diabetes, you’re at risk of diabetic neuropathy, a condition caused by diabetes. Diabetic neuropathy occurs for several reasons that are all related to long-term damage caused by extended periods of high blood sugar. Before going into the specific…
If you snore, you know that it can cause stress between you and your bed partner. You know that it can affect activities you enjoy, like camping with friends and family. But are you aware that loud snoring may be a sign of sleep apnea, a serious disorder that affects…
If you or someone you know needs to keep a close eye on their blood sugar, you may have been exposed to the term ‘blood glucose monitoring’. But are you familiar with the ‘why’ and ‘how’ behind the practice of blood glucose monitoring? With 29 million Americans…
On Saturday, October 24th, WWMG was present for the 7th Annual Pink the Rink Night at Xfinity Arena. All funds raised at the event went to the Providence General Foundation to supply free mammograms for Snohomish County women who are unable to pay for these services. It also goes to…
New alliance of several top medical groups and hospitals offers high-quality, affordable care to employers Western Washington Medical Group (WWMG) and the Providence-Swedish Health Alliance today announced that they will work together to offer high quality, affordable health care benefits for local employers. WWMG is the latest medical group to…
Masking Update
Face masks are required for patients, visitors, and staff at all WWMG clinics, due to an increase in community respiratory illnesses. Learn more
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