Your annual physical is an easy appointment to postpone or dismiss, especially if you’re feeling healthy. But annual physicals are an important part of your wellness routine that should be prioritized, especially as you get older. Here are our 5 reasons why you shouldn’t skip your next physical. 1. Overall…
Getting to know your child as they develop can be one of the most rewarding parts of being a parent. Learning how your child views the world, teaching them new skills, and guiding them as they process new feelings and big changes is all part of being a parent. But…
The flu is a common, contagious virus that has a large range of symptoms, from light sniffles to fever and vomiting. For most, getting the flu means taking time off of work, an interrupted social life, discomfort, and a period of rest and recovery. For some, the flu virus can…
What Is Snoring? Snoring: The loud, un-ignorable interruption in the middle of the night that keeps you or your partner from getting a full night’s rest. Snoring happens to just about everyone, but for some people, it can be a chronic issue that causes discomfort, and/or emotional friction between a…
Even if you’ve never had allergies before, you can develop new ones as you age. Your body and your environment constantly change, making it common for people to develop food and/or airborne allergies later in life. If you suspect you are having allergic reactions, don’t waste years trying to self-diagnose.
You’ve checked off everything on your back-to-school list, you’ve met your kid’s teachers, and you’ve coordinated your vacation days to match up with their school breaks. You’re on a roll! But before you drop them off on their first day of school, it’s important to take proactive steps to help…
1 in 8*. As of now, this is what many sources list as the incidence rate for breast cancer in women. One woman out of every eight. With the advent of researching medical advice on the internet, there are sources stating that women don’t’ need a mammogram until they’re…
The holidays can be the most exciting time of the year; a time for celebration, togetherness, and fresh starts. But, amidst the chaos of visiting family, attending parties, and planning for travel, it’s easy to sacrifice a healthy lifestyle for the fun of the festivities. Here are a few tips…
It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. When a knee gets kicked a little too hard, an ankle gives out on a landing, or a shoulder joint wears down over time, it’s good to have a Sports Medicine physician on your team. What Is Sports Medicine? Despite what…
In the recent years, there’s been a dramatic evolution in healthcare, allowing patients to survive medical conditions that would have, at one time, been physically devastating. With a rapid influx of new information has come an uprising of new medical fields, one of the most prominent of these is the…
Masking Update
Face masks are required for patients, visitors, and staff at all WWMG clinics, due to an increase in community respiratory illnesses. Learn more
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