New mom anxiety is incredibly common and completely normal. If you’re a first-time parent just remember: You’re not alone! At some point, every mother who has ever given birth was a first-time parent. Concerns for new parents are both understandable and valid. You’re embarking on a journey that is alternately…
As one of the most progressive countries in the world, the United States offers some of the best medical services and top-notch doctors across the globe. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that Americans are the healthiest population. Sadly, there are many serious health problems in the United States, and the health…
It’s that time of year again when a simple bus ride can provide such a symphony of coughs and sneezes that we fear for our personal health. The good news is that there are steps we can all take for common cold prevention and actions on how to avoid…
In the news these days, there are always an abundance of articles and stories about women’s healthcare, but not many address the topic of cervical health. Because January is Cervical Health Awareness Month, we’ll dedicate this post to discussing the most common ailments related to the cervix, including cervical cancer…
In the winter months, it’s sometimes more difficult to put your ‘best foot forward,’ as a variety of ailments related to the feet can arise as a result of the weather and seasonal activities. Each year, doctors see an increase in falls and injuries during these months. In this post,…
Our skin never takes a break from protecting our body, but in the winter months it works especially hard to maintain elasticity and preserve moisture. In this post, we’ll discuss why it’s so important to pay extra attention to our winter skin, review some of the most common troubles that…
When it comes to long-term medical care, more and more patients are choosing the services of a family practice vs. seeing a variety of medical professionals for different family members. Why? Because of the many benefits of staying within one practice and all that they offer. In this post, we’ll…
One of the most important jobs in our society is that of a family caregiver, someone that looks after another person who’s in need of constant care and supervision in the home. Often the caregiver is a spouse, sibling, or child of the patient in need of assistance, and they…
Over 37 million Americans suffer from kidney disease, yet many don’t realize it until they’re in the late stages. That’s why it’s best to seek nephrology treatment the instant you suspect you may have kidney issues, regardless of how severe your symptoms may be. The good news is that there…
To spread knowledge about different types of diabetes and their risks, November was declared Diabetes Awareness Month, and November 14 is World Diabetes Day. It’s the perfect time to get educated about Diabetes, understand the signs and symptoms of it and be aware of treatments available…
Masking Update
Face masks are required for patients, visitors, and staff at all WWMG clinics, due to an increase in community respiratory illnesses. Learn more
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