When the weather gets colder and wetter in the Pacific Northwest, we’re all more susceptible to colds and the flu. What’s also more common in the winter months—because more of us stay indoors and in close quarters with one another—is pneumonia. In this post, we’ll clarify…
Over 50 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders, so if you feel you’re not getting enough rest, chances are you may have one. If you do, it’s important to address it because a lack of sleep can lead to several health problems including weight gain, weakened immunities, reduction of…
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes May 31 as World No Tobacco Day. The global campaign was created in response to the decades-long marketing by tobacco companies to attract youth to their products. Through extensive research, the companies have learned ways to appeal to younger consumers,…
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States, and second leading cause of death second only to heart disease. November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month and brings awareness to the ways we can all strive to improve our lung health. The first is prevention.
According to sleepapnea.org, over 20 million Americans suffer from the sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. This potentially life-threatening ailment happens when the throat pathway narrows due to muscles relaxing so much during sleep that oxygen cannot pass through. If lifestyle changes such as…
What Is Snoring? Snoring: The loud, un-ignorable interruption in the middle of the night that keeps you or your partner from getting a full night’s rest. Snoring happens to just about everyone, but for some people, it can be a chronic issue that causes discomfort, and/or emotional friction between a…
The sight of a loved one in distress can make even the strongest person feel panicked and frozen. In a matter of moments, you may need to make the decision to seek medical care; and if the condition is life-threatening, your loved one may be admitted to the ICU to…
If you struggle with catching your breath, smoke, have symptoms of lung disease such as asthma, or are about to undergo a major surgery, your physician may order pulmonary function tests (PFTs). These non-invasive tests reveal how well your lungs are working, by measuring your ability to take in oxygen. They…
Masking Update
Face masks are required for patients, visitors, and staff at all WWMG clinics, due to an increase in community respiratory illnesses. Learn more
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