When individuals choose a primary care provider, they have to consider many things. Does this healthcare provider have the proper certifications? Are they experienced with children, or with a particular health condition that I have? Do they manage chronic conditions like diabetes? Are they located near me? Will they…
It’s true! Good eating doesn’t just keep your weight in check, your heart happy, and your glucose levels steady, it also affects your brain! Nutrition plays a crucial role in brain health, both short term and long term. People who maintain healthy active minds well past their sixties…
Your brain is your most powerful organ, yet it weighs in at just over three pounds. It controls thinking, bodily functions, physical capacity, emotions, and memory. The cerebrum fills most of your skull, and is responsible for memory, problem solving, emotions, and movement. The cerebellum, at the back…
More than 5 million American seniors are currently living with Alzheimer’s disease, and it is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. In 1983, President Ronald Reagan declared that November was Alzheimer’s disease awareness month. Nearly 20 years later, the disease would claim his own life and the…
Flu season generally lasts October through May, and peaks in the Winter months. WWMG’s primary care provider recommend that all family members 6 months or older get flu shots. If you are a parent concerned about vaccinating your family, please refer to our article on the safety and effectiveness…
Vaccinations are among the most important advances of modern medicine. In addition to eliminating diseases like smallpox and reducing other severe illnesses such as polio, vaccines have dramatically reduced the occurrence of more common illnesses like the flu and measles. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that…
There are two silent killers that threaten people’s health and the more you know about them, the better! The first is high blood pressure. Unless people have their blood pressure checked, there’s no way to know that they have high blood pressure. Sometimes it manifests itself in headaches or a…
WWMG’s Family Medicine providers are always here for you and every member of your family, young and old. With this in mind, have you ever thought about why it is important to have a family provider? Why not just go to a walk-in clinic or the emergency room when you…
March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. WWMG’s Family Medicine and Gastroenterology departments are actively encouraging the public to get screened for colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in the United States. Even though most people don’t want to have a colonoscopy,…
Masking Update
Face masks are required for patients, visitors, and staff at all WWMG clinics, due to an increase in community respiratory illnesses. Learn more
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