Many people do not realize the importance of having a family healthcare provider. If you or one of your family members gets sick, can’t you just head to the nearest walk-in clinic for treatment? While this may solve your immediate problem, having a family provider is important for preventing future…
WWMG’s Family Medicine providers are always here for you and every member of your family, young and old. With this in mind, have you ever thought about why it is important to have a family provider? Why not just go to a walk-in clinic or the emergency room when you…
Injuries are a leading cause of disability for people of all ages, and the leading cause of death for Americans ages 1 to 44. When people practice safe behaviors, they can help prevent injuries – and even death. That’s why we’re celebrating National Safety Month. Make a difference: This month,…
For people who are traveling abroad, getting the appropriate vaccinations is an important item on the pre-trip to do list. If your summer travel plans are taking you outside of the United States, make an appointment with your family medicine provider to find out what types of vaccinations…
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