It is an unfortunate fact of life that most of us, at some point in our lives, experience injury or illness that causes immediate alarm and need same-day medical care. When injury or illness occurs, a quick decision needs to be made about how serious it is, and how soon…
WWMG congratulates all the winners of the 2016 Herald Readers’ Choice Awards and recognizes their hard work and dedication in making decisions that are based on what is best for the patient. WWMG was selected for the following categories: Workplace (Health) Hearing Center Allergies – Rebecca Epperson, DNP, ARNP,…
With the advent of electronic medical records (EMRs), laptop computers have become a fixture in physicians’ exam rooms. And that, as many doctors will tell you, is a mixed bag. In the words of WWMG Family Practice Dr. David Lindstrom, “Easy data access benefits the patient, but the data entry process does not. On one hand, you…
In the beautiful state of Washington, families have the opportunity to rely on Western Washington Medical Group‘s expertise when looking for a professional Family Provider. Our group offers not only family practice care but also has a spectrum of specialists ranging from cardiologists to urologists. You’ll find that WWMG covers…
Read the Herald Business Journal story about Western Washington Medical Group and Snohomish Family Medicine here. Western Washington Medical Group (WWMG) is pleased to announce that Snohomish Family Medicine (SFM) joined their multi-specialty group on January 2, 2015. Snohomish Family Medicine, located at 629 Avenue D in Snohomish, has…
When individuals choose a primary care provider, they have to consider many things. Does this healthcare provider have the proper certifications? Are they experienced with children, or with a particular health condition that I have? Do they manage chronic conditions like diabetes? Are they located near me? Will they…
It’s true! Good eating doesn’t just keep your weight in check, your heart happy, and your glucose levels steady, it also affects your brain! Nutrition plays a crucial role in brain health, both short term and long term. People who maintain healthy active minds well past their sixties almost…
Your brain is your most powerful organ, yet it weighs in at just over three pounds. It controls thinking, bodily functions, physical capacity, emotions, and memory. The cerebrum fills most of your skull, and is responsible for memory, problem solving, emotions, and movement. The cerebellum, at the back…
In our last post, we told you why winter is the season when many of us put on a little extra padding. In this post, we want to talk more about what you can do about it. Family providers tell us that family fitness is an important…
This is a guest post. All views contained herein are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of Western Washington Medical Group. The long chilly months of winter are perfect for curling up indoors and hibernating with a book, lounging in front of the TV,…
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