Each January, gyms around the country fill to capacity with new members, inspired by the resolutions they’ve made for the new year. Many want to lose weight; others want to grow stronger or just get healthier in general. In this post, we’ll explore the origin of resolutions, examine the importance…
It’s with great pride that we welcome Victoria Longstreth, Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) to the team at Everett Family Medicine. We have a staff dedicated to help patients and their families in a holistic way that aims to treat every aspect of their well-being. By addressing concerns in lifestyle…
Our dogs, cats and other pets are like family. That’s why it’s so hard to admit that they may be the cause of our watery eyes or itchy noses each time we come into contact with them. But that doesn’t mean that we have to refrain from ever touching our…
With the weather changing, stuffy heads, sore throats, sniffling and sneezing are common—but are they caused by a cold virus or seasonal allergies? The symptoms are often similar between the two, so it can sometimes be hard to tell. In this post, we’ll explore what sets allergies and colds apart…
Insects are usually nothing more than tiny intrusive pesks, but occasionally, they can be dangerous. While most insect bites and stings hurt for a moment and then disappear in a short time, some insects can transmit disease, cause infection, or trigger an allergic reaction. Ticks, mosquitoes, and flies are especially…
During the summer months, many of us are digging out our sandals, sunscreen, and sun hat. Even on cooler, overcast days, it’s important to stay vigilant in protecting yourself and your family from sun damage. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to keep your skin healthy while still enjoying the…
Chances are, you’re no stranger to mosquitoes; those pesky flying insects that you frantically swat away before they leave an itchy (and sometimes painful) reminder that they were there. The hard truth is, mosquitoes can be more than just annoying; they can spread viruses that are very dangerous to humans.
The school year is almost upon us and many of you are preparing your athlete for the fall sports season. Along with investing in good gear and uniforms, attending parent’s meetings, and planning team snacks, make sure to schedule your sports physicals. While most athletic departments require sports physicals for…
Our Mission At Everett Family Medicine, we offer primary care services for the whole family. We believe there is more to health than just what happens in a doctor’s office. By attending to your family’s social, mental, and physical health, we help to improve individual lives across generations, and throughout…
Your annual physical is an easy appointment to postpone or dismiss, especially if you’re feeling healthy. But annual physicals are an important part of your wellness routine that should be prioritized, especially as you get older. Here are our 5 reasons why you shouldn’t skip your next physical. 1. Overall…
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