Trouble Sleeping? What You Can Do About Insomnia


Trouble Sleeping? What You Can Do About Insomnia

Trouble Sleeping? What You Can Do About Insomnia

Most people have trouble sleeping occasionally. With the stress of the last few years, more folks are having problems getting a good night’s sleep.

Insomnia sufferers find it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep through the night. Long-term sleep deprivation can impair thinking and decision making, and is associated with an increased risk of medical problems such as heart disease and cancer.

WWMG’s Board Certified Sleep Specialists have years of experience treating insomnia and other sleep disorders. They’ll work alongside you to determine which therapies best suit your circumstances, so you can finally get the high quality sleep you deserve.

Symptoms of insomnia

According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

However, at some point in life, it’s likely that almost everyone will experience acute insomnia — that is, a short-term difficulty falling or staying asleep. It’s when this insomnia becomes chronic and interferes with one’s quality of daily life that it becomes problematic.

Symptoms of chronic insomnia include:

  • Frequent trouble falling asleep
  • Frequently waking up during the night and having trouble getting back to sleep
  • Feeling excessively groggy in the morning
  • Feeling more tired than normal during the day
  • Waking up too early
  • Trouble processing information or making simple decisions
  • Decreased energy and lower performance

What causes insomnia?

There are several common causes of insomnia:

  • Inconsistent or poor sleep habits
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Acute life stresses
  • Alcohol or drug use
  • Certain medications
  • Eating too late
  • Overuse of digital devices (smartphones, computers, gaming)

Risk factors for insomnia

While insomnia affects all types of people, you’re more at risk if you:

  • Are a woman
  • Are over 60 years old
  • Have a history of sleep difficulties
  • Have an anxiety disorder

Chronic Insomnia isn’t something you just have to live with. WWMG’s Sleep Specialists offer treatment options that can significantly improve the quantity and quality of your sleep, and support your health.

When to seek treatment for insomnia

There’s not a specific milestone for when you should seek treatment for insomnia. However, a good measure is if insomnia is affecting your quality of life.

If insomnia is negatively impacting your daily processes, including your physical and mental health —you don’t have to accept that as the status quo. There is help.

Our Sleep Specialists commonly see patients when they’re:

  • Having difficulty functioning during the day
  • Feeling groggy and not refreshed after waking up
  • Stressing over lack of sleep
  • Experiencing cognitive difficulties

WWMG Sleep Specialists perform a full evaluation, including health history, to identify the underlying causes of your insomnia, then develop a customized treatment plan to improve your sleep patterns.

Treatment options for insomnia

Once our Sleep Specialists have an understanding of the factors leading to your insomnia, we will recommend treatment options tailored to you. Potential treatments include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • “Sleep hygiene” and self-care steps to address underlying mental and physical causes
  • Short term sleep medications (long term use is rarely necessary)

WWMG’s Sleep Specialists have years of experience treating insomnia and other sleep disorders. They’ll make expert recommendations and work with you to determine which treatment options best suit your circumstances.

If you’ve been suffering from insomnia and want to improve your sleep as the foundation for a higher quality of life, request an appointment with a WWMG Sleep Specialist today.