Approximately 1.5 million Americans suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), but many don’t know the cause of the condition or how find relief for symptoms.
In this post, we’ll discuss what Rheumatoid Arthritis is and who is most likely to be affected. Additionally, we will dive in to what it’s like to experience symptoms and what treatments offer relief for patients living with RA.
What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a painful, chronic autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system malfunctions and attacks the joints. As a result, the tissue that lines the insides of joints (known as the synovium) becomes inflamed and swollen. In the areas that normally would help joints move, the inflammation causes stiffness and restricted motion as well as pain.
Who is most likely to get Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Women are 3x more likely than men to suffer from RA, and their initial symptoms typically develop between the ages of 30 – 60. While you’re more likely to get Rheumatoid Arthritis if you have a family member who has it, most who suffer from RA do not have a family history.
Symptoms of RA
If you suspect you or a family member may have RA, here are some common symptoms:
- Joint stiffness (mostly in the morning)
- Joint tenderness and/or swelling (also called a flare up)
- Loss of appetite
- Low-grade fever
- General fatigue
- Rheumatoid nodules (small under-the-skin lumps)
- Dry mouth and gum irritation
- Anemia
- Dry eyes
- Vision sensitivity to light
- Shortness of breath (caused by lung inflammation)
- Nerve damage (resulting from inflamed blood vessels)
Tips for managing Rheumatoid Arthritis
If you’re diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, you can live an active, normal life. But you may need to practice self-care to minimize your pain and symptoms. Here are a few ways that patients with RA can manage their condition successfully:
Physical Activity. Regular exercise is vital. Staying strong and keeping muscles active is a great way to reduce pain. Suggested activities include low-impact aerobics, dance, Pilates, yoga and other exercises that strengthen muscles and promote flexibility. Patients should see a doctor or physical therapist for recommended activities based on their abilities and then lessen the intensity if any joint damage has already occurred.
Diet. Eating foods that help keep inflammation low can be greatly beneficial to those suffering from RA. Most of these items fall into the traditional Mediterranean diet menu of fish, olive oil, fruits and vegetables. Foods to avoid include anything processed like packaged cookies and crackers, and fast foods.
Temperature Therapies. Some Rheumatoid Arthritis patients find relief using heating pads and hot baths to soothe stiff joints and muscles. Alternately, for a rapid reduction of inflammation to numb sharp pain, ice packs can be utilized.
Rest. Though it’s important to keep joints active so they don’t remain stiff for too long, it is necessary to balance the exercise and physical activity with sufficient rest. Especially when a “flare up” happens, it is necessary to allow the swelling to go down and relieve the pain before putting any more pressure on those joints.
Community. Connecting with others who suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis and/or discussing the ailment with supportive friends and family members may help to mentally navigate the condition.
What are the treatment options for patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Although there is presently no cure for it, there are many treatment options that can offer patients with RA relief, in addition to the self-care tips above.
- Topical Treatments. Whether in the form of creams, gels or patches, topical treatments that are applied directly to the skin can be very soothing, reducing inflammation and pain.
- Supplements. Taking supplements like Omega-3 fish oil capsules and turmeric may ease morning stiffness and pain. It’s important to discuss this option with a doctor to confirm there will be no interactions with any other medicines prescribed.
- Medications. There are a variety of drugs that can help to slow the progression of RA. Work with a rheumatologist to find the right treatment for your condition. Some medications used for RA include:
- Corticosteroids (to dramatically reduce inflammation)
- DMARDs (to curb immune system)
- JAK inhibitors (to block Janus pathway)
- Biologics (to block parts of the immune system)
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) like aspirin and ibuprofen can also be taken to ease symptoms
- Surgery. If mobility is limited or daily functions are prevented from the progression of RA, joint replacement surgery may be recommended as an option. The procedure consists of a surgeon replacing the damaged parts of a joint with plastic and/or metal alternatives. Hips, knees, shoulders, elbows and other common joints are all candidates for this type of surgery.
Where can I seek additional help?
To learn more about RA and the treatments that would be most beneficial for you, talk to a healthcare provider who specializes in this condition – a Rheumatologist. Western Washington Medical Group’s Rheumatologists are experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory diseases. We have three locations to serve you, in Everett, Silver Lake, and Bothell. Contact us to request an appointment today.